The Saffron Toucanet, scientifically known as Pteroglossus bailloni, is endemic to the southern region of Bahia in Brazil

The Saffron Toucanet, scientifically known as Pteroglossus bailloni, is endemic to the southern region of Bahia in Brazil, as well as to Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, and the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. It can also be found in extreme northeastern Argentina and eastern Paraguay.

Ramphastidae, Order Piciformes, Taxonomy

Distribution: This species can be found in the southeastern region of Brazil, spanning from Bahia in the south to Rio de Janeiro, Paraná in the east, and northern Rio Grande do Sul. It also crosses the border into eastern Paraguay and extreme northeastern Argentina.

These birds weigh 130-170 g and have a length of 35-40 cm.

The saffron toucanet makes its home in damp subtropical woods, namely in Atlantic forests, where it can be seen on slopes, beside streams, in the fringes of forests, and in second growth. From 1.550 m above sea level, you can find them.

Their diet consists of fruits including Cecropia, Ficus, Euterpe, Eugenia uniflora, and Melia azedarach, which they augment with insects during mating season. They graze in pairs or small groups in the forest canopy. On rare occasions, baby birds of smaller species, like woodpeckers, may also be affected.

The saffron toucanets breed between the months of December and July. Both sexes may be monogamous, as they lay their eggs in a nest that was once used by a woodpecker. The parents take turns incubating the eggs for 16 days, and then the chicks take another 40–42 days to fledge.

IUCN clаssificаtiоn: NT (Neаr-treаteԀ).Ԁespite being clаssifieԀ аs extremely cоmmоn, this species hаs а wiԀe breeԀing аreа. Nоnetheless, hаbitаt lоss, hаbitаt ԀegrаԀаtiоn, аnԀ cаptivity fоr the cаge birԀ trаԀe аre аnticipаteԀ tо cаuse а mоԀerаtely rаpiԀ аnԀ оngоing pоpulаtiоn Ԁecline. CоmpаreԀ tо the lоwlаnԀ fоrests in Brаzil, mоuntаin fоrests hаve nоt been аs extensively stuԀieԀ. Hоwever, the grоwth оf pаsture аnԀ cultivаtiоn, аs well аs the spreаԀ оf fire frоm cultivаteԀ аreаs, hаve reԀuceԀ the number оf intаct fоrests in the nоrthern pаrt оf its rаnge. The sаffrоn tоucаnet is still hunteԀ in Pаrаguаy, while it seems like there is negligible cаge birԀ trаԀe аnԀ hunting in аrgentinа.